Strategies to Grow Your Email List

In some of our articles we talked about how to improve your Email Marketing results and how to increase your open rates. Today we will present you 7 strategies that will help you gain more and more subscribers to your newsletter.
If you think you already have enough people in your database, we think we might have some bad news for you: it seems like email marketing database naturally degrade by about 22% every year.
Here are some reasons: people change their job and change their email address, too, they opt out from your email list or abandon the email address they gave you because that’s just an email address they use to fill some web forms.
That’s why you need to constantly add new contacts to your list so you can be sure you have active subscribers right there, who can’t wait to hear about you and your business.
Don’t forget that this is one of the most effective marketing channels that can bring you more and more extra revues.
So, let’s start talking about these strategies!
1. Write great email content
Give them enough good reasons to stay subscribed and more than that to forward your emails to their friends. If you are an online store make sure you keep them in touch with your offers, promotions, and new products and with all that can influence your relationship with your prospects and customers.
Encourage them to share your emails – make sure you give them a little incentive and don’t forget to add a little Subscribe link at the bottom of your email.

2. Promote an online contest
Give them a nice prize like an invitation to one of your events, a dress, a new T-shirt or maybe a discount. Invite them to share your social media posts, like your page and tell their friends about you. Make a fair contest for all your email subscribers, online followers so anyone has equal chances.

3. Create multiple email subscriptions types
Your subscribers are more likely to click through email that have been targeted at them. Different email subscription types will increase the chance that visitors subscribe to your newsletter. If then you will send great emails to the wrong audience, you won’t get any results.

4. Create lead generation content
You can create an eBook, a special report, demos, email series, guides or a white paper that can bring value to you prospects. You can promote this through Google AdWords or you can try social media channels like: Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin or Pinterest. Ask your prospects for their email address in order to download your materials.
Free eBook

5. Remind your website/blog visitors about subscribing to your email list
Creating blog posts you create value for your visitors and you can be sure they will appreciate it. This is your perfect chance to promote you newsletter subscription. It is not just for blogs; you should use this for your online store, too. Remember that people love to be the first who find out about your best promotions, so they would like to be your subscribers.

6. Use testimonials 
If your potential subscribers read about the value your existing ones already received from you, it will be much easier to convince them and they will be more motivated to sign up. People like to read about others experience, read their bad or good reviews.

7. Opt In on your homepage
This is the most visited page from your website so make sure you appreciate it at its right value. Because this is the page that gets the biggest part from your website traffic you should place here an opt in form, in order to increase your opt in rate.
Homepage opt in

These are simple and easy to implement strategies that help you increase your email list starting just from today. If you really want to increase your email list, you have to be sure that you try as many possibilities as you can.
Don’t forget that after you attract all these people in your email list you have to nurture them and turn them into your customers.

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